Jan Schröder

Class MenuOwnerDraw - Menus with imgages in VB

The Visual Basic class MenuOwnerDraw transforms at runtime menus to owner drawn menus, with the possibility to display images, which symbolize the menu items functions. MenuOwnerDraw is a class, not a component, so no additional DLL has to be deployed. Look at a tiny example and the source code:

Download the source (62 KB)


Public Class MenuOwnerDraw
#Region "Description"
    ' Class     MenuOwnerDraw
    ' Author    Jan Schröder
    '           Schröder Informatik
    '           www.SchroederInformatik.de
    ' Version   1.0.2
    ' Date      05/05/23
    ' This class transforms menus to owner drawn menus, with the possibility to display
    ' images, which symbolize the menu items functions.
    ' Use this class as follows:
    ' 1. Add this Visual Basic source to your project.
    ' 2. Create the form or context menu as usually. It's important to leave the properties
    '    "OwnerDraw" as "false".
    ' 3. Add an image list to the form or use one, which is already linked to the toolbox.
    ' 4. Append the indexes of the images, which should be displayed, left to the text of the
    '    appropriated menu items. For example: If you want to display the image with index 0
    '    left to the menu item with the text "Save", append "_i_0" to the text. The text
    '    has to be "Save_i_0".
    ' 5. Create instances of this class in the forms load event. For example:
    '    Dim MenuOwnerDraw1 As New MenuOwnerDraw(Me, ImageList1)
    '    Dim MenuOwnerDraw2 As New MenuOwnerDraw(ContextMenu1, ImageList2)
    ' That's all.
    ' MenuOwnerDraw has only one public member: the new constructor with two alternatives,
    ' one for the form menu and the other for context menus.
    ' The private methodes "MeasureItem" and "DrawItem" are doing the work. Both are
    ' callback functions, used to handle the events "MeasureItem" and "DrawItem".
    ' Versions:
    ' 1.0.0 04/11/26    First Version
    ' 1.0.1 05/01/29    DrawMenuCheck; new design (more XP-stylish);
    '                   better support of system colors with very much contrast;
    '                   new outline of the source code
    ' 1.0.2 05/05/23    Translation from VB into C#
#End Region
#Region "Constructors"
    Public Sub New(ByRef FormX As Form, ByRef imgMenuImages As ImageList)
        InitializeFormMenu(FormX, imgMenuImages)
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByRef ContextMenu As ContextMenu, ByRef imgMenuImages As ImageList)
        InitializeContextMenu(ContextMenu, imgMenuImages)
    End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Data Definition"
    Private imgMenuImagesForModule As ImageList
    Private nXimgLeft, nXimgRectRight, nXtextLeft As Integer    ' metrics
    Private Structure StringSize
        Dim cx As Integer
        Dim cy As Integer
    End Structure
#End Region
#Region "Event handling"
    Private Sub DrawSubMenuItem(ByVal sender As Object, _
            ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs)
        ' A sub menu item can be a seperator or text. So, a seperator can be detected as an
        ' item, which text is empty.
        Dim customItem As MenuItem = CType(sender, MenuItem)
        Dim sText, sShortcut As String
        Dim nImageIndex As Integer
        GetMenuTextImageShortcut(customItem.Text, sText, nImageIndex, sShortcut)
        If sText = vbNullString Then
            DrawMenuTextImageShortcut(e, sText, nImageIndex, sShortcut)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub MeasureItem(ByVal sender As Object, _
            ByVal e As MeasureItemEventArgs)
        ' For each menu item, the height an the width of the drawing area have to be
        ' evaluated.
        Dim customItem As MenuItem = CType(sender, MenuItem)
        Dim nImageIndex As Integer
        Dim grfx As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(imgMenuImagesForModule.Images(0))
        Dim sText, sShortcut As String
        GetMenuTextImageShortcut(customItem.Text, sText, nImageIndex, sShortcut)
        Dim stringSize As SizeF = _
            grfx.MeasureString(sText & sShortcut, SystemInformation.MenuFont)
        ' The width is determined by the width of the image area, given by nXtextLeft (look
        ' at sub SetMetric above) and the width of the menu item string, which is a
        ' combination of text and shortcut.
        e.ItemWidth = stringSize.Width + nXtextLeft + 7
        ' The height is determined by the height of the image or the height of the menu item
        ' string. For menu separators, the string is empty.
        e.ItemHeight = Max(stringSize.Height + 7, imgMenuImagesForModule.Images(0).Height)
        If sText = vbNullString Then
            e.ItemHeight = CInt(e.ItemHeight / 2)
        End If
    End Sub
#End Region
#Region "API stuff"
    Private Const MF_BYPOSITION = &H400
    Private Const DST_ICON = &H3
    Private Const DST_BITMAP = &H4
    Private Const DSS_NORMAL = &H0&
    Private Const DSS_DISABLED = &H20
    Private Const COLOR_SCROLLBAR = 0
    Private Const COLOR_BACKGROUND = 1
    Private Const COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION = 2
    Private Const COLOR_MENU = 4
    Private Const COLOR_WINDOW = 5
    Private Const COLOR_WINDOWFRAME = 6
    Private Const COLOR_MENUTEXT = 7
    Private Const COLOR_WINDOWTEXT = 8
    Private Const COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT = 9
    Private Const COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER = 10
    Private Const COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER = 11
    Private Const COLOR_APPWORKSPACE = 12
    Private Const COLOR_HIGHLIGHT = 13
    Private Const COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT = 14
    Private Const COLOR_BTNFACE = 15
    Private Const COLOR_BTNSHADOW = 16
    Private Const COLOR_GRAYTEXT = 17
    Private Const COLOR_BTNTEXT = 18
    Private Const COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT = 20
    Private Const TRANSPARENT = 1
    Private Declare Function DestroyIcon Lib "user32" ( _
        ByVal hIcon As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function DrawState Lib "user32" Alias "DrawStateA" ( _
        ByVal hDc As Integer, ByVal hbr As Integer, ByVal lpOutputFunc As Integer, _
        ByVal lData As Integer, ByVal wData As Integer, _
        ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, _
        ByVal fuFlags As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetMenuString Lib "user32" Alias "GetMenuStringA" ( _
        ByVal hMenu As Integer, ByVal wIDItem As Integer, ByVal lpString As String, _
        ByVal nMaxCount As Integer, ByVal wFlag As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetTextExtentPoint32 Lib "Gdi32" _
        Alias "GetTextExtentPoint32A" ( _
        ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal lpString As String, _
        ByVal cbString As Integer, ByRef lpSize As StringSize) As Integer
    Private Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "User32" ( _
        ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function ImageList_GetIcon Lib "COMCTL32.DLL" ( _
        ByVal hIml As Integer, _
        ByVal i As Integer, _
        ByVal diFlags As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function SetBkMode Lib "Gdi32" ( _
        ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal iBkMode As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function SetTextColor Lib "Gdi32" ( _
        ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal crColor As Integer) As Integer
    Private Declare Function TextOut Lib "Gdi32" Alias "TextOutA" ( _
        ByVal hdc As Integer, ByVal nXStart As Integer, ByVal nYStart As Integer, _
        ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cbString As Integer) As Integer
#End Region
#Region "Subroutines and functions"
    Private Function Max(ByVal nA As Integer, ByVal nB As Integer) As Integer
        ' Gives back the maximum value of both.
        If nA >= nB Then
            Max = nA
            Max = nB
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub DrawMenuCheck(ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs)
        ' Draws a check mark, for checked menu items. The check mark is build of some lines.
        ' The menu item could be disabled. In this case, the check mark has to be drawn with
        ' a grayed pen.
        Dim nOffsetX, nOffsetY, nQuarter1X, nHalfX, nQuarter3X, nQuarter1Y, nHalfY, _
            nQuarter3Y As Integer
        Dim penCheck, penRect As Pen
        Dim ColorRect As Color = Color.FromArgb(28, 81, 128)
        Dim ColorCheck As Color = Color.FromArgb(33, 161, 33)
        Dim nWidth As Integer = nXimgRectRight - 9
        If e.State And DrawItemState.Grayed Then
            penCheck = SystemPens.GrayText
            penRect = SystemPens.GrayText
            penCheck = New Pen(ColorCheck)
            penRect = New Pen(ColorRect)
        End If
        nOffsetX = e.Bounds.X + 4
        nOffsetY = e.Bounds.Y + (e.Bounds.Height - nWidth) / 2 + 1
        nQuarter1X = nOffsetX + nWidth / 4
        nHalfX = nOffsetX + nWidth / 2
        nQuarter3X = nOffsetX + (3 * nWidth) / 4
        nQuarter1Y = nOffsetY + nWidth / 4
        nHalfY = nOffsetY + nWidth / 2 + 1
        nQuarter3Y = nOffsetY + (3 * nWidth) / 4
        e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
        ' Rectangle with white background and shadow
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, _
            nOffsetX, nOffsetY, nWidth, nWidth)
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.Control, _
            nOffsetX + 1, nOffsetY + 1, nWidth - 1, nWidth - 1)
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ControlLight, _
            nOffsetX + 2, nOffsetY + 2, nWidth - 4, nWidth - 4)
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, _
            nOffsetX + 3, nOffsetY + 3, nWidth - 7, nWidth - 7)
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(penRect, nOffsetX, nOffsetY, nWidth, nWidth)
        ' Checkmark
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(penCheck, nQuarter1X, nHalfY, _
            nHalfX, nQuarter3Y)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(penCheck, nQuarter1X, nHalfY - 1, _
            nHalfX, nQuarter3Y - 1)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(penCheck, nHalfX - 1, nQuarter3Y - 1, _
            nQuarter3X, nQuarter1Y)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(penCheck, nHalfX - 2, nQuarter3Y - 2, _
            nQuarter3X, nQuarter1Y + 1)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(penCheck, nHalfX - 2, nQuarter3Y - 2, _
            nQuarter3X, nQuarter1Y + 2)
        If e.State And DrawItemState.Grayed Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawMenuImage(ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs, _
            ByVal nImageIndex As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
        ' Draw the desired image. If the menu item is disabled, this state has to be shown.
        ' Therefore the API function "DrawState" is used for drawing.
        Dim hIcon, nResult, fuFlags As Integer
        Dim hDc As IntPtr
        If e.State And DrawItemState.Grayed Then
            fuFlags = DST_ICON Or DSS_DISABLED
            fuFlags = DST_ICON Or DSS_NORMAL
        End If
        hIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(imgMenuImagesForModule.Handle.ToInt32, nImageIndex, 0)
        hDc = e.Graphics.GetHdc()
        nResult = DrawState(hDc.ToInt32, 0, 0, hIcon, 0, x, y, 0, 0, fuFlags)
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawMenuSep(ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs)
        ' Draws a line to represent a menu separator.
        Dim nYMiddle As Integer
        nYMiddle = CInt(e.Bounds.Y + e.Bounds.Height / 2)
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Menu, e.Bounds)
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, _
            nXimgRectRight, e.Bounds.Height)
        e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, e.Bounds.X + nXtextLeft, nYMiddle, _
            e.Bounds.Right, nYMiddle)
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawMenuTextImageShortcut( _
            ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs, _
            ByRef sText As String, ByRef nImageIndex As Integer, ByRef sShortcut As String)
        ' Draw all the stuff by using some subroutines.
        ' First of all, draw Text and Shortcut.
        DrawStringUnderline(e, sText, sShortcut)
        ' Fill the background of the image area.
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, _
            nXimgRectRight, e.Bounds.Height)
        ' Draw the image, if desired.
        If nImageIndex > -1 Then
            DrawMenuImage(e, nImageIndex, e.Bounds.X + nXimgLeft, _
                e.Bounds.Y + e.Bounds.Height / 2 - _
                imgMenuImagesForModule.Images(nImageIndex).Height / 2)
        End If
        ' Draw a check mark for checked items.
        If e.State And DrawItemState.Checked Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawStringUnderline(ByVal e As DrawItemEventArgs, _
            ByRef sText As String, ByRef sShortcut As String)
        ' Most of the work will be done here:
        ' - The Background off the text area is to be drawn
        ' - The text and the shortcut are to be drawn
        ' - The accelerator is to be drawn
        ' The API functions "TextOut" and "GetTextExtentPoint32" are used, because
        ' Graphics.DrawString in combination with Graphics.MeasureString is not exact enough
        ' for drawing the accelerator by underlining the appropriate character. Especially
        ' if ClearType is active, the result would not be acceptable.
        Dim bAccelerator, bNoAccelerator As Boolean
        Dim sWithoutAmpersand, sBeforAmpersand, sUnderlineChar As String
        Dim nTextHeight, nOffsetY, nPos, nUnderlineWidth, _
            nBeforAmpersandWidth As Integer
        Dim nTextColor As Integer
        Dim brushRect As Brush
        Dim penMenuText As Pen
        Dim x1, y1, x2, y2 As Integer
        Dim hDc As IntPtr
        Dim szTest As StringSize
        ' Evaluate the background brush and the text color
        nOffsetY = e.Bounds.Y + e.Bounds.Height / 2
        If e.State And DrawItemState.Grayed Then
            brushRect = SystemBrushes.Menu
            nTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)
            If e.State And DrawItemState.Selected Then
                brushRect = SystemBrushes.Highlight
                nTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
                brushRect = SystemBrushes.Menu
                nTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT)
            End If
        End If
        ' Draw the Background off the text area
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brushRect, nXimgRectRight, e.Bounds.Y, _
            e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Height)
        ' The menus device context is needed for the use of some GDI functions. Background
        ' mode "Transparent" and TextColor has to be set, the menu font is already selected.
        hDc = e.Graphics.GetHdc()
        SetBkMode(hDc.ToInt32, TRANSPARENT)
        SetTextColor(hDc.ToInt32, nTextColor)
        ' Evaluate the text height.
        GetTextExtentPoint32(hDc.ToInt32, "A", 1, szTest)
        nTextHeight = szTest.cy
        ' The accelerator is defined by the character in the menu text, which follows the
        ' ampersand character. First draw the text without an ampersand.
        sWithoutAmpersand = sText.Replace("&", "")
        If sWithoutAmpersand <> vbNullString Then
            TextOut(hDc.ToInt32, e.Bounds.X + nXtextLeft, nOffsetY - nTextHeight / 2, _
                sWithoutAmpersand, sWithoutAmpersand.Length)
        End If
        ' If a shortcut is defined, draw it right aligned.
        If sShortcut <> vbNullString Then
            GetTextExtentPoint32(hDc.ToInt32, sShortcut, sShortcut.Length, szTest)
            TextOut(hDc.ToInt32, e.Bounds.Width - szTest.cx - 4, _
                nOffsetY - nTextHeight / 2, sShortcut, sShortcut.Length)
        End If
        ' In menus, drawn by Windows 2000 or later, accelerators wont be shown by default.
        ' Only if the user is poping up a menu by keyboard, the accelerators will be shown.
        bNoAccelerator = e.State And DrawItemState.NoAccelerator
        bAccelerator = Not bNoAccelerator
        If bAccelerator Then
            ' Evaluate the character, which shall be underlined.
            nPos = InStr(sText, "&")
            If nPos > 0 Then
                sBeforAmpersand = sText.Substring(0, nPos - 1)
                sUnderlineChar = sText.Substring(nPos, 1)
                sBeforAmpersand = sText
                sUnderlineChar = vbNullString
            End If
            ' If there is a character to underline, make is so.
            If sUnderlineChar <> vbNullString Then
                ' Get the width of the text before the ampersand and the width of the
                ' character, which has to be underlined.
                GetTextExtentPoint32(hDc.ToInt32, sBeforAmpersand, _
                    sBeforAmpersand.Length, szTest)
                nBeforAmpersandWidth = szTest.cx
                GetTextExtentPoint32(hDc.ToInt32, sUnderlineChar, 1, szTest)
                nUnderlineWidth = szTest.cx - 1
                ' Setting the coordinates for drawing the underline
                x1 = e.Bounds.X + nXtextLeft + nBeforAmpersandWidth
                x2 = x1 + nUnderlineWidth
                y1 = e.Bounds.Y + e.Bounds.Height / 2 + nTextHeight / 2 - 1
                y2 = y1
                ' The menu item could be disabled. In this case, the underline has to  
                ' be drawn with a grayed pen. If it is selected, a highlighted pen is
                ' to be used.
                If e.State And DrawItemState.Grayed Then
                    penMenuText = SystemPens.GrayText
                    If e.State And DrawItemState.Selected Then
                        penMenuText = SystemPens.HighlightText
                        penMenuText = SystemPens.MenuText
                    End If
                End If
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(penMenuText, x1, y1, x2, y2)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetMenuTextImageShortcut(ByVal sMenuText As String, ByRef sText As String, _
            ByRef nImage As Integer, ByRef sShortcut As String)
        ' Separates the originally text, an image index and the "cultured" shortcut
        ' from the given string.
        Dim sImageIndex As String
        Dim nPos As Integer
        ' The shortcut is separated by a tab character.
        nPos = InStr(sMenuText, vbTab)
        If nPos > 0 Then
            sText = sMenuText.Substring(0, nPos - 1)
            sShortcut = sMenuText.Substring(nPos, sMenuText.Length - nPos)
            sText = sMenuText
            sShortcut = vbNullString
        End If
        ' The index of the image is separated by the string "_i_".
        nPos = InStr(sText, "_i_")
        If nPos > 0 Then
            sImageIndex = sText.Substring(nPos + 2, sText.Length - nPos - 2)
            sText = sText.Substring(0, nPos - 1)
            nImage = CInt(sImageIndex)
            nImage = -1
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub InitializeContextMenu(ByRef ContextMenu As ContextMenu, _
            ByRef imgMenuImages As ImageList)
        ' Initializing each menu item of a context menu
        Dim SubMenuItem As MenuItem
        imgMenuImagesForModule = imgMenuImages
        For Each SubMenuItem In ContextMenu.MenuItems
    End Sub
    Private Sub InitializeFormMenu(ByRef FormX As Form, ByRef imgMenuImages As ImageList)
        ' Initializing each menu item of the main menu
        Dim FormMenuItem As MenuItem
        imgMenuImagesForModule = imgMenuImages
        For Each FormMenuItem In FormX.Menu.MenuItems
    End Sub
    Private Sub InitializeMainMenu(ByRef FormMenuItem As MenuItem)
        ' Initializing each sub menu item of a menu item
        Dim SubMenuItem As MenuItem
        For Each SubMenuItem In FormMenuItem.MenuItems
    End Sub
    Private Sub InitializeSubMenu(ByRef SubMenuItem As MenuItem)
        ' Initializing a sub menu item
        Dim SubSubMenuItem As MenuItem
        Dim sBuffer As String = Space$(256)
        Dim nResult As Long
        ' The menu string is read before the property "OwnerDraw" is set to "true", because
        ' it contains the short cut corresponding to the users keyboard. For example: in
        ' Germany "Strg" is the name of the Key "Ctrl". The Text of the menu item is used to
        ' store the original text, an image index and the "cultured" shortcut.
        ' The shortcut is separated by a tab character.
        nResult = GetMenuString(SubMenuItem.Parent.Handle.ToInt32, SubMenuItem.Index, _
            sBuffer, Len(sBuffer), MF_BYPOSITION)
        SubMenuItem.Text = sBuffer.Substring(0, nResult)
        SubMenuItem.OwnerDraw = True
        ' Add handlers to the events "MeasureItem" and "DrawItem". The work has to be done
        ' there.
        AddHandler SubMenuItem.MeasureItem, _
            New MeasureItemEventHandler(AddressOf MeasureItem)
        AddHandler SubMenuItem.DrawItem, _
            New DrawItemEventHandler(AddressOf DrawSubMenuItem)
        ' If the sub menu has one or more sub menus, they have to be initialized too.
        For Each SubSubMenuItem In SubMenuItem.MenuItems
    End Sub
    Private Sub SetMetric(ByRef imgMenuImages As ImageList)
        ' Calculation of some metrics, so it has to be done only one time.
        nXimgLeft = CInt(imgMenuImages.Images(0).Width / 4 + 0.5)
        nXimgRectRight = CInt(3 * imgMenuImages.Images(0).Width / 2 + 0.5)
        nXtextLeft = imgMenuImages.Images(0).Width * 2
    End Sub
#End Region
End Class

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